Certified Environmental Stewardship evaluators are qualified to conduct FARM Environmental Stewardship Version 2.0 2nd party evaluations. Evaluators can be full-time, part-time or contractors of one or multiple FARM Environmental Stewardship participant(s).

Please note: FARM does not employ evaluators. Individuals wishing to becoming certified evaluators should first secure employment or a contract with a FARM program participant.

Environmental Stewardship Evaluator Expectations

  • Complete the FARM Environmental Stewardship training to gain competency in conducting evaluations
  • Understand relevant FARM resources, including the User Guide and Reference Manual
  • Follow all safety guidelines and employ proper biosecurity protocols as set by the individual farmer
  • Maintain and safeguard the farm’s confidential information
  • Communicate evaluation expectations to farmers
  • Use reasonable estimates and record assumptions when there are data gaps
  • Be polite and courteous
  • Share and help interpret results with the dairy farmer

Environmental Stewardship Evaluator Training

Individuals wishing to complete FARM Environmental Stewardship evaluations must complete and pass a series of online learning modules. To participate in this certification, the trainee or their manager should email dairyfarm@nmpf.org to request training information and enrollment.

Please note: FARM does not employ evaluators. Individuals wishing to becoming certified evaluators should first secure employment or a contract with a FARM program participant.

Evaluators are required to complete one training per program version.

Environmental Stewardship Evaluator FAQs


Environmental Stewardship evaluator training is valid throughout the current program version. Once a new program version is active, individuals must complete and pass that version training to continue to be a certified evaluator and able to conduct Environmental Stewardship evaluations.

Certified Environmental Stewardship evaluators needing to review training materials should email dairyfarm@nmpf.org.


If an evaluator forgets their password, they should select the “Forgot your password?” link under the log-in button. After resetting your password, you will receive an email with instructions for creating a new password. Please email daiyfarm@nmpf.org if you do not receive this email.