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Industry Event: Cornell CALS webinar

March 15, 2024 @ 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm

Quantifying nutrient balances and GHG emissions from your dairy


The Nutrient Management Spear Program has worked with around 40 NYS dairy farms to develop whole farm nutrient mass balances (NMBs) using the Cornell NMB calculator and GHG footprint estimate using Cool Farm Tool.  The team will:

  1. Show how with a limited amount of farm data both nutrient and GHG footprints can be determined
  2. Share preliminary findings from this work
  3. Provide information inviting additional dairy farms to join the project



  • Olivia Godber, Nutrient Management Spear Program
  • Quirine Ketterings, Nutrient Management Spear Program


Register for the webinar: https://cornell.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_hb-KayMdTICy2Pp5-cFDmA#/registration