About FARM Biosecurity
FARM Biosecurity focuses on providing dairy farmers with the tools to keep their cattle and dairy businesses safe from the unseen threat of disease. In collaboration with the U.S. Department of Agriculture and Danelle Bickett-Weddle of Preventalytics LLC, FARM Biosecurity provides the resources needed for farmers to build their own “everyday” or “enhanced” biosecurity plans. FARM Biosecurity—Everyday is a national platform, focused on preventing the introduction of, detecting the presence of, or containing the spread of infectious and non-infectious diseases. It provides farms with biosecurity plan templates and educational materials on the best management practices to prevent disease introduction and spread. FARM Biosecurity—Enhanced aligns with the Secure Milk Supply (SMS) Plan Continuity of Business. This voluntary plan was designed to support the movement of milk from farm to processing plant should a foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) outbreak occur in the United States. Both FARM Biosecurity Everyday and Enhanced are completely voluntary.
Input from experts and stakeholders is essential to ensuring a strong and helpful program. The FARM Program established a Biosecurity Task Force which comprised dairy farmers, cooperative and processor staff, academic experts, and state and federal animal health officials. The Task Force assists with overall program development and strategy.
FARM Biosecurity is supported by the United States Department of Agriculture’s National Animal Disease Preparedness and Response cooperative agreement program (NADPRP). The cooperative agreement (AP21VSSP0000C025) was from March 1, 2021 until September 30, 2023. NADPRP was established in the 2018 Farm Bill to further the nation’s efforts to prevent high-consequence animal diseases from impacting our herds.
Secure Milk Supply
USDA Foot and Mouth Disease
USDA National Animal Disease Preparedness and Response Program
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