Karen and her husband, Norman Jordan, Jr. own and operate Brush Creek Swiss Farms. Norman is third generation dairy farmer and Norman and Karen have operated the all registered Brown Swiss herd for over 34 years. Current herd size is 90 mature cows and they raise all of their replacement animals. Karen also operates Large Animal Veterinary Services with most of her veterinary career focused on dairy herd health.
Karen and Norman are producer members with Dairy Farmers of America where Karen serves on the Southeast Area Council. Karen is chair of the NMPF Animal Health and Wellbeing Committee and has served as chair of the Technical Writing Group of the NMPF National Dairy FARM Program. Karen has also served on the technical writing committee of the Milk and Dairy Beef Drug Residue Prevention: Producer Manual of Best Management Practices. She has also been actively involved in the North Carolina Dairy Biosecurity efforts and active in the Mid Atlantic Secure Milk Supply efforts. In the past she has also represented NMPF on the Animal Agriculture Liaison Committee of the American Veterinary Medical Association. She currently serves on the Board of Directors for the National Institute for Animal Agriculture.