Nathan Chittenden farms alongside his two brothers and his parents at Dutch Hollow Farm LLC, in Schodack Landing NY. Starting with a small herd of 55 registered Jerseys in 1976, the family has grown steadily through internal growth to the herd of 800 today. The families commitment to the registered Jersey breed as well as their public outreach has earned them a spot in the National Dairy Shrine. After receiving his BS in Animal Science at Cornell in 2000, Nate returned home to the family farm where he married his wife Jill. Today they have 3 children, Zachary, Jonathan, and Anna. In addition to managing the calves and young heifers, Nathan has also been active as a 4H leader and past president and Vice President of the local board of directors of Cooperative Extension. Nathan has also served as President and Vice President of the YC’s of his Coop, Agrimark.