The National Dairy FARM Program is formally reviewed every three years to ensure it reflects the most current science and best management practices within the dairy industry.
Four key dairy stakeholder groups help to shape and approve updates to the program each review and revision cycle. The program also widely solicits input from other farmers, scientists, and additional dairy stakeholders through mechanisms like public comment periods, town hall meetings, and more.
FARM Task Forces
Animal Care
The Animal Care Task Force is comprised of dairy farmers, the Farmer Advisory Council chairperson and vice chairperson, animal welfare scientists, veterinarians, and cooperative and processor staff members.
The Animal Care Task Force reviews the latest research and aggregated FARM Animal Care Program data and provides recommendations to the NMPF Animal Health & Well-Being Committee and NMPF Board of Directors.
Environmental Stewardship
The Environmental Stewardship Task Force is comprised of cooperative and processor staff, subject matter experts and dairy farmers.
The ES Task Force provides guidance on strategic direction and program development for FARM ES.
Workforce Development
The Workforce Development Task Force is comprised of cooperative and processor staff, subject matter experts and dairy farmers.
The WFD Task Force provides guidance on strategic direction and program development for the program area.
Other Stakeholder Groups
FARM Farmer Advisory Council
The Farmer Advisory Council is made up of dedicated dairy farmers who provide guidance and input for consideration in FARM’s ongoing and future development. Members work to champion FARM within other organizations, communities and throughout the industry.
NMPF Committees
One of NMPF’s Committees reviews the recommendations from each Task Force for new program requirements, standards, metrics, and other elements. Members of each NMPF Committee are appointed by NMPF member cooperatives. Such recommendations are subject to approval from the NMPF Board of Directors.
NMPF Board of Directors
The NMPF Board of Directors, made up of representatives from NMPF member cooperatives, votes on the final standards and recommendations set forth by the respective task forces.