The National Dairy FARM Program is seeking nominations for designated seats on FARM’s Task Forces. The task forces with open seats include Animal Care, Environmental Stewardship and Workforce Development. The role of the respective task forces is to:
- Provide dairy expertise in designated fields
- Provide guidance and input regarding FARM Program future developments
- Provide feedback and recommendations for program updates, standards and resource content to National Milk Producers Federation committees
- Serve as FARM Program ambassadors to internal and external industry stakeholders
FARM is seeking nominations from the dairy industry to ensure proper representation in each task force. Those selected for an open task force seat will join existing members of the respective task forces in July 2025 and will serve through June of 2028.
Members cannot serve more than two consecutive terms but may regain eligibility to serve as a task force member after opting out for one term. Nominations can be submitted as self-nominations or from those in support of specific nominees.

Animal Care
- (2) Dairy Farmers: Qualifications include: must be an active dairy farmer that markets milk through a FARM Program participant (cooperative/processor)
- (1) Dairy Veterinarian: Qualifications include: must be a licensed practitioner with primarily dairy clientele along with being an active AABP or AVMA member.
- (2) Dairy Cooperative and Processor Staff: Qualifications include: the cooperative or processor must actively participate in the FARM Animal Care Program and be in good standing. The individual must also be a certified FARM trainer or evaluator.
- (2) Dairy Academics: Qualifications include: Advanced degree in dairy welfare or related field with a research focus in dairy welfare along with a dairy extension appointment

Environmental Stewardship
- (5) Dairy Farmers: Qualifications include: must be an active dairy farmer that markets milk through a FARM Program participant (cooperative/processor)

Workforce Development
- (2) Dairy Farmers: Qualifications include: must be an active dairy farmer that markets milk through a FARM Program participant (cooperative/processor)
Expectations of FARM Program Task Force Members
- Has a basic understanding of the FARM Program, its goals and objectives;
- Complete an evaluator training for the respective Task Force program area.
- Have the willingness to provide candid, insightful guidance and input for consideration to the FARM Program to develop program elements, resources and educational materials to aid in accomplishing the Program’s stated goals and objectives;
- Willingness to promote consensus positions and programmatic decisions
- Willing to serve as ambassadors for the FARM Program within their dairy community network including comfort answering questions about the FARM Program and its components;
- Able to attend Task Force meetings:
- Animal Care: Quarterly virtual meetings in non-Program review year; and monthly virtual meetings in Program review years. At least one annual in-person meeting may also be expected. Travel expenses may be eligible for reimbursement.
- Environmental Stewardship: Quarterly virtual meetings; additional virtual meetings may be scheduled when needed.
- Workforce Development: Biannual virtual meetings: additional virtual meetings may be scheduled when needed
- Able to serve a three-year term on the task force.
Nomination Process
The currently seated FARM Farmer Advisory Council will review all nominations and recommend a proposed slate of task force members to the NMPF Executive Committee for final approval. Farmer Advisory Council members will give consideration to all candidates based upon factors such as:
- Strength of nomination application.
- Representation of diversity in farm management style, age, geographic location, cooperative/processor, and breadth of dairy industry/subject matter expertise.
- Perceived ability to meet the expectations of the task force as outlined above.
The online nomination form closes March 31, 2025. The newly seated task force members will be selected and notified by June 15, 2025.